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Pet Allergies

Your pet can suffer from allergies just like you can, so knowing the signs and symptoms of allergic reactions in pets is vital for protecting your pet’s health and well-being. Allergies can lead to significant health concerns if left untreated. Our team at Crosspointe Animal Hospital in Fairfax Station, VA, is here to tell you about common allergies in pets and how we can manage and treat them.

Pet Allergies

Flea Allergies

Flea bites can give some pets itchy, reddish skin, especially around the base of their tail. The saliva that fleas leave behind when they bite your pet can cause an allergic reaction, which includes scratching or biting its skin. Other signs of flea allergies are hair loss or secondary infections from excessive scratching. 

Food Allergies

Some pets are allergic to certain ingredients in food, including pet food or human food. These reactions can appear as a rash or other condition that affects the skin or fur. Other pets might have digestive symptoms like vomiting or diarrhea due to an allergic reaction to food ingredients. Your pet’s allergies may include grains, dairy, corn, beef, or other ingredients commonly found in commercial pet foods or table scraps.

Environmental Allergies

Substances in the environment, such as mold spores or pollen, can also cause pet allergies. Dust is another environmental allergen that affects some pets. Exposure to these allergens can lead to sneezing or respiratory symptoms. Other possible allergens include cleaning products, pesticides, flowers, and plants.

Pet Allergy Testing

Knowing your pet’s allergy triggers is vital for ensuring effective treatment and management of its symptoms. Your veterinarian can perform allergy testing and other methods to determine which allergen is causing a reaction in your pet. For example, you might need to switch to different pet foods to find which ingredient your pet is allergic to. Your veterinarian can also do skin tests on your pet to determine which environmental allergen is causing its symptoms.

Treatment for Pet Allergies

Your pet’s treatment will depend on its specific allergies. Using preventative products like shampoos or collars for fleas can manage flea allergies. Avoiding ingredients in pet food that trigger your pet’s allergic reaction is the best way to eliminate food allergies. You can also get topical treatments or medication to ease your pet’s environmental allergy symptoms. You should speak with your veterinarian about which treatment best suits your pet’s allergy type.

Visit Our Animal Hospital in Fairfax Station, VA, for Pet Allergy Treatment

Allergies can be just as frustrating for pets as allergies are for us, so contact Crosspointe Animal Hospital in Fairfax Station, VA, to get your pet the allergy relief it needs to remain healthy and happy. We can determine what allergen is bothering your pet and recommend ways to manage these allergies. Call us and schedule an appointment today at (703) 690-6600.

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